- March
Posted By : Brew Urban Cafe
An Ode To Daylight Savings Time

[Estimated Read Time: 2 Minutes]

Since turning the clocks back on Sunday, we’ve heard mixed feeling about Daylight Savings Time [shocker].

Complaints on lethargy, moodiness, and the missing of appointments have littered cafe conversations. It’s totally natural. Who doesn’t get a little ornery when deprived of that precious final hour of sleep?

Well, we’re here to say that we have Daylight Savings Time’s back. That’s right, when it comes to turning the clocks back for an extra hour of sunlight each day, we say, “Yay.”

The Benefits Of Daylight Savings Time
New to Fort Lauderdale? Check out these great local tips from Big Picture Broward.

Now, we’ve heard the arguments on both sides of the DST spectrum…

“You can’t cut off the end of a blanket, sew it to the bottom, and have a longer blanket.”

“Daylight Savings Time reduces crime and car accidents.”

“DST disrupts internal body clocks…blah, blah, blah.”

Let us remind you that Florida is “The Sunshine State. Any manmade construct that supplies us with an extra hour of sunlight after work is a welcome assertion!

In fact, that’s exactly what Daylight Savings Time is — a manmade attempt to force our lives to adhere to the natural order of the spheres. [Yes, we were channeling our inner Bill Nye there].

The Benefits Of Daylight Savings Time
Click here to see the best 6 spots to visit in Fort Lauderdale.

This is how we see it…

With an extra hour of sunlight after work, we can explore more of Fort Lauderdale before lights out, like these beautifully scenic views nearby.

That extra hour also ups the Vitamin D supply, providing us with the energy for an after-work workout. Which reminds us, Daylight Savings Time is a New Year’s Resolution’s best friends. Just when you start to slack on those healthy routines you’ve dedicated the last two months to, an additional 60-minutes of sunshine beckons you to stay committed [just as a well-placed cheat day does]. So… stay committed!

What else? Oh yeah, with an extra hour of sunlight our days don’t seem to end once we clock out of work. Leaving the office and walking out to a radiant sun shining instead of dreary twilight actually does make people more optimistic [and even the slightest bit more productive]. And what do you do when you’re even the slightest bit happier? That’s right, you come to BREW for our Next Door shared happy hour to tell us about your day. 😉

So, enough with dissing Daylight Savings Time. We have an extra hour of sunshine every day now. Trust us, once you get adjusted to the time change the world will definitely seem like a much brighter place!

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